Role of the Department
This Department is responsible for carrying out the National Park Authority's role as local planning authority dealing with policy formulation and processing of all applications relating to the development and use of land.
The Department also provides policy and technical support relating to building conservation dealing with listed buildings and conservation areas. There is a close working relationship with the county and district councils and other relevant agencies involved in economic development to ensure the economic and social well-being of the National Park’s communities are supported. The team also undertakes work on all policy issues, data collection and monitoring of the Management Plan targets and objectives.
How does it work?
Production of a Park-wide Local Plan and other area local plans (e.g. Helmsley) and work on a Joint Minerals and Waste Plan with North Yorkshire County Council and the City of York.
Deals with all applications for development and associated appeals and the enforcement of planning legislation.
Liaising with all bodies involved in economic development.
Provides a ‘watching brief’ on traffic and transport matters as they affect the National Park including consultation/liaison on strategic and local highway issues affecting the National Park.
Develops policies to help conserve the National Park's built environment and initiatives, manages grant schemes and projects to help achieve this.
Co-ordination of data collection regarding the state of the Park and effectiveness of policies.