Thursday 11 July - Planning Committee

Planning Committee

All Members of the Authority serve on the Planning Committee.

Its responsibilities include:

  • Determining planning applications
  • Authorising some enforcement action
  • Deciding on the formation and review of planning policies
  • Authorising Tree Preservation Orders

Meeting live stream

Download the full agenda (pdf)

Members update sheet - available by 4pm the day before the meeting.

Planning Committee Decisions - available within 24 hours of the meeting.


1. Livestreaming and recording – The chair to inform members of the public that the meeting is livestreamed and recorded.

2. Emergency evacuation procedure – The chair to inform members of the public of the emergency evacuation procedure.

3. Election of chair to take office until the first meeting of Planning Committee following the Annual General Meeting of the Authority

4. Election of deputy chair to take office until the first meeting of Planning Committee following the Annual General Meeting of the Authority

5. Apologies for absence.

6. Public minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 16 May 2024

7. Public question time (an opportunity for members of the public to ask questions)

8. Members are reminded that it is their responsibility to declare the nature of any personal, prejudicial and/or disclosable interests relating to any agenda item immediately prior to its consideration and are encouraged to complete a written declaration using the form provided.

9. Miscellaneous items

  • a) Appeals (Development Management)
  • b) Appeals (Enforcement)
  • c) Planning applications determined by the Director of Planning
  • d) List of enforcement matters determined by the Director of Planning

10.  Botton Historic Area Assessment

11. Changes to permitted development rights

12.  To consider applications, together with the Director of Planning recommendations thereon:-

  1. NYM/2024/0106 - alterations to and change of use from Church (Use Class F1(f)) today nursery and creche (Use Class E(f)) together with alterations to rear retaining wall at St Aidan's Church, Main Street, Oswaldkirk
  2. NYM/2024/0058 - installation of two velux windows and insertion of one new window together with erection of fencing (part retrospective) at Paddock View, 6 Townend Farm, Whitby Road, Easington
  3. NYM/2024/0252 - erection of glazed canopy, replacement patio, removal of post and rail fence, erection of glass balustrade, removal of steps, infilling of wall and continuation of iron railings to wall (retrospective) at Victoria Hotel, Station Road, Robin Hoods Bay
  4. NYM/2024/0342 - variation of condition 3 of planning approval NYM/2018/0558/FL to sever the tie between the Tea Hut and Beacholme at The Galley On The Quarterdeck, Covet Hill, Robin Hoods Bay
  5. NYM/2024/0236 - variation of condition 4 of planning approval NYM/2013/0868/FL to sever the tie between the residential accommodation and Tea Room at Old Chapel Tea Room, 5B High Street, Castleton
  6. NYM/2024/0276 - use of land for the siting of one shepherd’s hut for holiday letting purposes and erection of service shed at 15 School Row, Alders Road, Rosedale East
  7. NYM/2024/0310 - variation of condition 3 of planning approval NYM/2021/0680/FL to allow the annexe to dual use as either annexe or holiday let at Hall House, Daleside Road, Rosedale Abbey
  8. NYM/2024/0259 - demolition of conservatory and construction of two storey extension at Cliff House, Cliff Street, Robin Hoods Bay
  9. NYM/2024/0260 -  Listed Building consent for internal alterations, demolition of conservatory and construction of two storey extension at Cliff House, Cliff Street, Robin Hoods Bay

Relevant planning files are available for inspection prior to the Meeting upon request. Photographic evidence will be on display in the Committee Room (where applicable).

13. Such other business as, in the opinion of the Chair, should, by reason of special circumstances, be considered as a matter of urgency.

14. Exclusion of the public from the meeting during consideration of Item No. 15 on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1, 2, 6 and 7 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.

Private Business - Report Circulated To Members Only

15.  Private Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 16 May 2024

Chris France
Director of Planning

Press Contact: Nina Beadle, Media and Communications Officer, 01439 772700


  • To ensure this meeting is conducted in an open and transparent manner it will be live streamed to the public and recorded. A link will be published under the relevant meeting heading on the Authority’s website. The recording will be held in accordance with the Authority’s retention policy.
  • The Authority allows the recording and reporting of public meetings but asks that any party wishing to do so informs the Authority in advance of the meeting. Recording and reporting that disrupts the meeting is not allowed. Persons expressly refusing consent, children and vulnerable adults cannot be filmed or photographed. The existing rules relating to confidential and exempt information, defamation, Data Protection and Public Order apply. The Authority accepts no liability whatsoever for the recording and reporting carried out by other parties.
  • Members are reminded to turn all electronic equipment to silent mode, including mobile phones, laptop computers and tablets. Please note that only information that is available to Members during the Committee meeting should be accessed from a computer in the interests of sound decision making.
  • Please note that the meeting may be adjourned to enable Members and Officers to have appropriate breaks (including lunch). This will only be undertaken when absolutely necessary and at the Chair’s discretion. Lunch will be available at approximately 12.30 pm.  Members taking lunch will have the appropriate amount deducted from any subsistence claim they may make.
  • Tea and coffee will be available a quarter of an hour before the meeting.
  • Please ensure when parking in the car park that you have not caused an obstruction which could prevent emergency vehicles accessing the building.
  • Judith Seaton should be notified of any apologies.
  • This agenda and application documentation are also available on this website. Comments on planning applications can be submitted by post to North York Moors National Park Authority, The Old Vicarage, Bondgate, Helmsley, YO62 5BP or by e-mail to
  • A hard copy of this agenda is available in large print on request.
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