Corporate Governance

The Authority is committed to high standards of Governance and probity and the fullest possible compliance with Nolan Principles which is embedded within the work of the Authority.

The Authority has a set of Core Values which underpin the culture of the organisation. These values, along with Codes of Conduct and formal policies and protocols, have been drawn together to form the Authority’s Ethical Framework.This document captures the essence of the high standards of conduct which are expected of Members, Officers and Volunteers when acting on behalf of the Authority.

On at least one occasion during the year the Authority will undertake an annual review and scrutiny of delivery of the National Park Management Plan and Business Plan. The Finance, Risk, Audit and Standards Committee, with the assistance of the Independent Person, will undertake an overall review of issues relating to the standards of conduct and report to the Authority if necessary.

Members will have access to both the Internal and External Auditors without officers present on appropriate occasions throughout the year.

Annual Governance Statement

The Authority produces an Annual Governance Statement which is approved by the Authority and published with the Statement of Final Accounts.

Monitoring Officer

The Authority is required by law to appoint a Monitoring Officer. It is the duty of this Officer to report to the Authority on any proposal, decision or omission by the Authority, or by a Committee, or Officer of the Authority, which has given rise to or is likely to give rise to a contravention of the law, a contravention of any statutory code of practice, or maladministration.

The Authority has appointed Richard Smith as the Monitoring Officer.


Richard Smith
c/o North York Moors National Park Authority
The Old Vicarage
Helmsley, YO62 5BP

Equalities Duty

The National Park Authority is required to publish information in order to demonstrate compliance with Section 149 of the Equality Act 2010. Information on the Authority’s policies and plans can be found in the Equality and Diversity policy statement.

Useful links

Our Service to You

Meetings and Agendas - Finance, Risk, Audit and Standards Committee

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