Tramp around the North York Moors

A Tramper is an electric all-terrain mobility scooter available for use at seven locations across the North York Moors:

The scooter has been designed specifically to cover rough ground including mud, grass, cambers and steeper inclines safely, allowing visitors with limited or poor mobility who have difficulty walking to explore iconic beauty spots in the North York Moors.

Unsurfaced footpaths and tracks are no problem, while they can also tackle gradients of up to 1 in 4 (25%). As vehicles, they are very robust, with light, accurate steering and tailored suspension, making them easy and comfortable to ride.

If you’re not used one before, then a short training session is usually enough to help you decide if you can manage the machine.

The North York Moors Mobility scheme has been set up in partnership with Outdoor Mobility. It's part of our continued commitment to make more of our beautiful places accessible to those who are less physically able.

Tramper information

  • First time users must undertake a short training session, plus pay for a single use which costs £3, or £5 for a Taster Membership (which lasts for two weeks or pay £15 to become an Annual Member which gives you unlimited tramper hire. The Outdoor Mobility website has more details on Memberships.
  • Annual membership lasts 12 months and, as well as the Trampers across the North York Moors, members can also make use of the Trampers at sites in the Lake District, North Pennines National Landscape and all 47 Countryside Mobility sites in South West England and Wales
  • To avoid disappointment all bookings must be made in advance
  • Trampers are limited to a speed of 4mph with an age restriction of 14 and above
  • The maximum weight limit to use a Tramper is 25 stone (158 kilos)
  • Hire duration depends on site and route
  • Hire is free for all members
  • Please show your membership card at the centres to show you’ve had training

To find out more and to start exploring, book your Tramper session through the North York Moors Mobility website.

Our Miles without Stiles walks will give you more ideas for routes suitable for people with limited mobility.

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