National Volunteers Week: Youth Voice Chair shares her story

By Phoebe Smith, Chair of Youth Voice in the North York Moors National Park

Chair of Youth Voice Phoebe Smith

My introduction to Youth Voice is not a conventional one. Many of our members have grown up volunteering in the North York Moors as part of Young Rangers and have been part of Youth Voice since it began in 2021. My story is a little bit different, so yours can be too.

I began working for the National Park in April 2023 as a Marketing Assistant and had been asked to meet with the Youth Voice members to discuss their marketing and communications opportunities as they were looking to promote the group's future. I met the group at Danby Lodge at the end of April – we were bouncing ideas off each other and the group were so welcoming that the same evening I asked to become a member.

I came away thinking about what an inspiring group of young people I had met. It was clear from the get-go they wanted to make an impact and project the voice of young people in rural areas, like a National Park.

After joining Youth Voice, I soon learnt this group is not just about having a say on the future of the North York Moors; it’s also about coming together with other like-minded individuals, exploring our landscapes like never before and improving the mental health of the young people in and around our area.

Seven Youth Voice members attended the Europarc 2023 Conference. The journey I have been on since joining Youth Voice is nothing short of incredible and I feel truly grateful to have been offered these opportunities through volunteering. I have visited European National Parks to explore their infrastructure and youth work, I have presented my experiences to over 150 people who are enthusiastic in supporting young people and I have very proudly become the Chair of the North York Moors Youth Voice group. These are things some young people may think they will never have the opportunity to do or explore, but Youth Voice is here to help you open those doors.

The 14 current members of Youth Voice are some of the most welcoming, kind and caring people you will ever meet and they all have one thing in common – they are passionate about the North York Moors National Park. From costume designers and marketers to future ecologists and rangers, there’s no two of us the same. The group and I recently held a conference in a small village in the North York Moors which included over six sessions, mainly run by our team members. We enjoyed orienteering, river surveying, resilience training and mindfulness walks – as well as a fantastic opportunity to reconnect with ourselves and nature for a weekend.

There’s only more to look forward to in the future, from working with Trash Free Trails on a young persons’ trail clean, to sharing our experiences with youngsters in and around the National Park, this is just the start for Youth Voice. We’re looking forward to expanding our ground, knowledge and most importantly voice in the future and if you’re between the ages of 18 – 30 you’re more than welcome to join us on this journey!

It’s hard to encompass the experiences I have gained from being a part of Youth Voice, as well as the skills of confidence that have been built alongside these experiences, however I hope the above gives you a glimpse into how it has been for me. If you would like to learn more, please visit the Youth Voice page of our website or email and I will get back to you! If your experience happens to be anything like mine, I don’t think you would be disappointed by getting involved.

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