Accessibility Grant

Guidance for applicants

What is the Accessibility Grant

As a result of the development of the Woodsmith Mine near Whitby, a s106 agreement has been secured to provide compensation and mitigation against any negative impacts on the tourism economy of the North York Moors. One of these contributions is a fund to support local tourism business to become more accessible to all guests who wish to enjoy the North York Moors and its special qualities.

Used in conjunction with VisitEngland’s Accessible and Inclusive Tourism Toolkit for Businesses, our accessibility grant scheme is there to help micro, small and medium tourism businesses make small improvements to your offering, to start your journey towards a more inclusive business meeting the needs of visitors with disabilities.

The Authority’s Accessibility grant is also available to community groups to facilitate the use of their toilets by tourists (free of charge) in rural areas without council owned public toilets.

Subject to approval, a grant of up to £1,000 towards the cost of accessibility improvements is available to all businesses and community groups in the North York Moors, Coast & Hills LEADER boundaries 2008 - 2013 (pdf). Match funding is not required.

Priority will be given to applicants actively participating in the North York Moors Tourism Network. If your project is large and requires more financial support, funding could be considered via the Local Businesses Tourism Contribution, however match funding would be required.

What kind of project does the contribution support?

Projects must:

  1. Be located in the North York Moors, Coast & Hills LEADER area (boundaries 2008 – 2013) (pdf)
  2. Any planning permissions or listed buildings consent must have been approved prior to submitting the application
  3. Support the development of inclusive tourism - create products and places where everyone feels welcome
  4. Must not disturb vulnerable or protected wildlife
  5. Demonstrate that it benefits health and wellbeing for visitors in line with the North York Moors National Park’s Management Plan.

Listed below are some suggestions from previous successful applications, however, please refer to VisitEngland’s Accessible and Inclusive Tourism Toolkit for Businesses for more information on how to make your business more accessible for visitors with disabilities.

  • Upgrades to car parks to facilitate more accessible parking
  • Installation of handrails
  • Provision of step free access and ramps
  • Hearing/induction loops
  • Magnifiers, ear defenders or tactile maps
  • Electric hoists
  • Wheelchair accessible picnic tables

Any concerns or queries can be discussed with the Community Engagement Officer before applying.


  • The North York Moors Tourism Network works with businesses to find new ways for visitors to appreciate the North York Moors, by creating bookable experiences and activities, or developing new packages and ways to generate more revenue. Priority will be given to those that have joined and are actively participating in the Network.
  • The contribution is open to individuals, businesses, and other organisations.
  • Applicants need not be located within the National Park boundaries. Provided that the criteria above are met, and you can demonstrate clear links to the North York Moors and that your project will have a positive impact upon the National Park, the eligible area will be activity that takes place within the North York Moors, Coast & Hills LEADER area (boundaries 2008-2013) (pdf).
  • Work must be completed by 01 April 2025.
  • Projects must ensure value for money.
  • The funding cannot support repeat activity and should not be considered as long term or core funding.
  • No funding can be awarded retrospectively so you should ensure no activity commences prior to the funding agreement being signed.

In general, awards will not exceed £1,000, however if you are undertaking a large or very comprehensive project, grants of up to £10,000 are available through our Local Businesses Tourism Contribution grant (this requires match funding).

Applying for the grant

In the first instance, please contact our Community Engagement Officer for an informal discussion about your application. If your project is eligible, you will be sent further guidance and an application form  to complete and return with relevant quotes for the work.

Applications will be considered throughout the year. However, applications will be dealt with on a first come first served basis and, as the contribution fund is limited, you are strongly advised to submit your form as early as possible.

Assuming that the application is complete upon submission, the Authority will contact you within a month to let you know if you have been successful in obtaining a contribution to your project and the level of funding offered. The decision of the Authority is final and therefore applicants will not have a right of appeal on this decision.

Contact details

Community Engagement Officer:

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