Delivering the Plan

Annual monitoring statement

Each year, we will publish a monitoring statement which assesses how partners are progressing on delivering the 24 objectives set out in the Management Plan. The report for 2022/23 - the first year of the Plan's operation - is now available.

Read the 2022/23 annual monitoring statement 

Delivering the Plan

This Plan is essentially a call for collective action. We know that the ability to deliver its outcomes and objectives depends entirely on partnership working across statutory agencies, stakeholders and individual businesses on the ground, and a commitment from everyone that the objectives are fully reflected in the strategies and business-planning processes of not only the National Park Authority, but of everyone who has a role in delivering the vision enshrined in this document. A partnership approach to developing the plan will also be key to how the National Park Authority and others drive delivery of the Plan.

A Management Plan Partnership Delivery Group is being set up, involving the National Park Authority and its key delivery partners, which will meet regularly every six months or so to review and co-ordinate progress against the outcomes and objectives in this Plan, and to check whether they are being delivered on the ground. A wider group of organisations will also meet once a year to identify and address any challenges that may impinge on delivery of the Plan. A separate Delivery and Monitoring Plan sets out arrangements for reviewing progress against the objectives in this Plan; and includes a set of indicators against which the Plan’s performance will be measured.

Infographic showing a series of arrows indicating the steps that will be taken to achieve the Management Plan's objectives.

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