Tree Felling and Forestry Operations affecting Rights of Way
It is acknowledged that from time to time it is necessary for landowners to either prune back, remove individual trees, or clear-fell entire woodlands on their land. If these works will affect a Right of Way (a Footpath, Bridleway, Restricted Byway or Byway Open to All Traffic), then consideration must be given to public access and in certain circumstances, a Temporary Closure Order of the affected Right(s) of Way may be required.
Before works begin
- Contact the relevant Area Manager (see below) who will be able to advise you further.
- If a Temporary Closure Order for any affected Rights of Way is required, the Area Manager can advise further and please see the Advice Note on Temporary Closure Orders for further guidance on timings, the process and the costs involved.
- If, due to the extent of the work a risk assessment is required, then include the expectation that walkers will be present on Footpaths; walkers, cyclists and horse-riders will be present on Bridleways; walkers, cyclists, horse-riders, and carriage-drivers will be present on Restricted Byways and walkers, cyclists, horse-riders, carriage-drivers, and vehicles will be present on Byways Open to All Traffic
- Notices should be posted on site prior to the commencement of works, regardless of whether it’s a single tree or a whole plantation to be felled.
- It is recommended that at this stage, photos are taken of any affected Right(s) of Way, i.e., the surface and any furniture.
General advice for during the works
- Landowners must protect people from sources of danger when they’re on their land (in this instance, tree felling) and so are advised to obtain (or check) their public liability insurance to make sure they have adequate cover.
- In all instances, vehicles should not be used to either run along or cross, any affected Right(s) of Way. If it’s unavoidable, the Area Manager can advise on what works will be required to repair the surface or item of furniture.
- Any affected Right(s) of Way should be left in no worse a condition than as found, and any surface damage repaired before contractors leave the site.
- Marshals should be provided to keep a look out for the public approaching and then guide them through the works area. It is also good practise to turn off any machinery for the duration too – especially if horses and riders are passing.
- When leaving site, the affected Right(s) of Way must be left unobstructed and open for use; especially overnight, over weekends and on Bank Holidays.
If the felled area is to be restocked, any planting must be planned around any Rights of Way to ensure that corridors are left where the maturing trees will not obstruct free passage. Widths and heights are:
- Footpaths – 2m (6ft) wide x 3m (9ft) high.
- Bridleways & Restricted Byways – 5m (16ft) wide x 4m (13ft) high.
- Byways Open to All Traffic – 5m (16ft) wide x 5m (16ft) high.
The Area Manager can arrange for any affected Rights of Way to be clearly marked out, if necessary.
Please direct any enquiries to the Senior Ranger for your area of the National Park:
Naomi Green (North Area):
Ben Jackson (South Area):