Listed Buildings

The National Park has around 3000 Listed Buildings which contribute to the character of the North York Moors.

A Listed Building is one which has been identified as being of special architectural or historic interest and is included in a national register which is compiled by Historic England.

The term ‘building’ can include any structure built by man – for example bridges, walls, milestones, village crosses, pumps, even telephone boxes!

Listing also protects buildings within the curtilage of the main building described on the list even if they are not separately recorded.

If you are the owner of or are considering purchasing a Listed Building, the Authority has produced A Guide to Owning a Listed Building Information Leaflet.

Rievaulx by Ebor Images

Works to Listed Buildings

If you are planning to carry out works to a Listed Building, Listed Building consent is required for all works that could affect its architectural and historic character. This requirement extends in all cases to works to any part of the building, inside or outside.

Usually, Listed Building consent would be required for extensions and alterations but may also be required where significant historic features such as an original window or roof structure is being replaced on a like for like basis because of the loss of historic fabric.

Advice and Grants

Free advice on repairs and maintenance of traditional buildings is provided by the National Park Authority.

Grants are available for repairs to Listed Buildings on the Authority’s Register of Listed Buildings at Risk. Exceptional Listed Buildings may qualify for National Park or Historic England Grant Aid.


Building Conservation Team
Tel: 01439 772700

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