1. Introduction

1.1. This Scheme of Delegation (the Scheme) is made by the North York Moors National Park Authority (the Authority) under Section 101 of the Local Government Act 1972. It is intended to permit swift and effective policy and decision making by Members and managerial and operational decision-making by officers within a framework of accountability to Government and stakeholders.

1.2. The scheme has four parts:

a. Annex A outlines the powers held by the National Park Authority (Full Authority) and delegates powers from the Full Authority to Committees and Sub-committees and establishes terms of reference for Task and Finish Groups and Fora which can advise the Authority. This framework gives ownership and oversight by a group of Members of specified areas of National Park Authority policy, staffing and operations. It is thus intended not only to facilitate informed and effective decision-making but also to foster understanding and communication between Members, officers and stakeholders.

b. Annex B delegates powers to the National Park Officer (Chief Executive) to execute business and take decisions within a policy and financial framework including statute law, Government policy circulars and guidance, the powers of the National Park Authority, the National Park Management Plan, the statutory Local Development Plan, Business Plan and Annual Report or equivalents.

c. Annex C further delegates certain powers of the Chief Executive to members of the Senior Management Team and all of those other officers duly authorised in writing.

d. Annex D states the terms of reference for those groups set up under this Scheme such as Fora and Task and Finish groups which can advise the Authority and other Committees.

1.3. The Scheme should be operated so as to avoid multiple handling of business. In particular it will be unusual for Committees and Sub-committees to refer decisions upwards rather than taking them and reporting on them by minutes on the agenda of the next Authority meeting.

1.4 Reference in this Scheme to statutory provisions should be taken to include any subsequent statutory amendments or re-enactment of those provisions.

2. General Provisions

2.1 Any Committee to which the Authority’s powers are delegated may sub-delegate them to a Sub Committee, Chief Executive and/or Senior Officer listed in Annex C. Any Sub Committee may also sub delegate powers to the Chief Executive and/or a Senior Officer. Any power conferred upon the Chief Executive may be exercised by an authorised officer listed in Annex C in his/her absence or at other times in accordance with any general directions of the Chief Executive.

2.2 Powers delegated to any Committee, Sub-Committee or Officer of the Authority shall always be exercised in compliance with the Authority’s Standing Orders and Financial Regulations, except to the extent that they may be suspended in accordance with their terms. Conversely, this Scheme of Delegation operates to authorise Committees, Sub Committees and officers to take actions permitted to them by the Authority’s Financial Regulations.

Revised 1 September 2020

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