Local Plan

Local Plan (July 2020)

The North York Moors Local Plan was adopted by the National Park Authority on 27 July 2020. Further information is available in the following documents.

North York Moors Local Plan 2020 (pdf)

Interactive Local Plan Policies Map

Adoption Statement

Sustainability Statement (pdf)

Authority Committee Report (pdf)

Local Plan - Examination in Public

Richard Schofield BA (Hons) MA MRTPI was appointed to carry out an independent examination of the draft Plan. The Examination took place in November 2019.

The Inspector's Report has further information.

Low Farm Sneaton - Planning Brief

Low Farm, Sneaton has been selected as part of the new Local Plan as an ‘Environmental Enhancement Site’ under Policy ENV13. Accordingly, a planning brief has been prepared for the site.

Low Farm, Sneaton - Planning Brief

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