Minerals and Joint Waste Plan

The National Park Authority formally adopted a new Minerals and Waste Joint Plan on 21 March 2022.

Preparation of the new Joint Plan has included comprehensive public consultation and a detailed Examination in Public by an independent Planning Inspector, who concluded in her report that the Joint Plan is sound, subject to a number of main modifications which have been included in the adopted version of the Joint Plan.

The new Joint Plan, which has been prepared in close cooperation with partners North Yorkshire County Council and City of York Council, is now part of the statutory development plan for the National Park, alongside the Local Plan adopted in 2020.  This means that the policies it contains will be used to help take decisions on planning applications for minerals and waste development, including proposals relating to potash and hydrocarbon development.

The main Joint Plan document is supported by a Policies Map and a number of appendices.

The Minerals and Waste Joint Plan

Policies Map

Appendix 1 -  Allocated Sites and Areas of Search

Appendix 2 - Safeguarded Sites

Appendix 3 - Monitoring

A large number of background documents have also been produced during preparation of the Joint Plan and these are available to view via the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan webpages, which are hosted by North Yorkshire County Council.

The National Park Authority has published an Adoption Statement, providing more information about the adoption of the Minerals and Waste Joint Plan, including how a legal challenge may be made on the grounds that the document is not within the appropriate power of the local planning authority and/or a procedural requirement has not been complied with.

A Sustainability Appraisal Report has also been published

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