Neighbourhood Planning was introduced by the Government through the Localism agenda and is a means for communities to decide the future of the places where they live and work.
Communities are now able to:
- choose where they want new homes, shops and offices to be built
- have their say on what those new buildings should look like and what infrastructure should be provided
- grant planning permission for the new buildings they want to see go ahead.
The National Park Authority has produced a Planning Advice Note which provides guidance for local residents, businesses and parish councils on Neighbourhood Planning and how Neighbourhood Planning in the National Park will be handled.
Further guidance can be found on the Government's Neighbourhood Planning webpages.
Ingleby Arncliffe Neighbourhood Plan (2021)
The Parish of Ingleby Arncliffe have produced a Neighbourhood Plan for that Parish. Only a very small area (The Blue Bell Inn, two cottages and the modern farm buildings/grain store associated with Arncliffe Farm) is located within the National Park, the remainder being within the Hambleton District Council Local Planning Authority area. As the majority of the area falls on the Hambleton side, the District Council was the lead authority assisting with the Plan.
Following independent examination the Parish voted 'yes' to wanting the Plan to be used for decision making on planning applications. Accordingly the Authority formally adopted the Plan as part of its Development Plan on 2 December 2021.
The Plan and more details on its preparation are on Ingleby Arncliffe Parish Council's website here:
The Ingleby Arncliffe Neighbourhood Plan.
Newby & Scalby Neighbourhood Plan Area Designation
Newby & Scalby Town Council is preparing a neighbourhood plan for the parish and the first step was to seek designation of the neighbourhood area. Designation allows the Town Council to proceed with preparing a neighbourhood plan. If such a plan is eventually ‘made’ (adopted) by the two authorities, it will form part of their development plan and will be used to help decide planning applications for the parish area.
Newby & Scalby Town Council’s application applied to Scarborough Borough Council and this Authority on 20 June 2022. The parish covers both local planning authority areas, however almost all of the area falls within the SBC boundary. The area designation covers the whole of their area and, in line with the amended regulations, it has been informed that the neighbourhood area is designated. It was considered that this area (the whole of Newby & Scalby parished area) constitutes an appropriate area for a Neighbourhood Plan.
A copy of the map of the neighbourhood area can be found here.
This Authority approved the Neighbourhood Plan Area designation at its planning committee on the 14 July 2022.