The planning permission granted by the North York Moors National Park Authority is accompanied by a legal ‘Section 106’ agreement between the Authority and the developer, to provide for a range of mitigation and compensation measures to help offset the impacts of the Mine on the environment and on tourism.
Agreed measures include an annual contribution of funding for landscape and ecological works; funding for a major woodland planting programme to address the Authority’s requirements for carbon offsetting; funding towards tourism promotion and; provision of financial security arrangements to ensure that funds would be available to restore the development sites at any point during construction or operation and to secure mitigation and compensation payments for a 10 year period.
Further Section 106 legal agreements between the developer and North Yorkshire County Council and Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council are in place to secure matters including off-site highway improvements, additional services on the Esk Valley rail line and measures to promote Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths subjects in schools and opportunities for local employment. Work is now taking place towards delivering the requirements of the legal agreements and further updates on progress will be provided on these pages.
The three legal agreements can be viewed here:
North York Moors National Park Authority Section 106 Agreement