Nature and Star Hub

Discover life above and beneath your feet at our Nature and Star Hub

Our Centre is in an International Dark Sky Reserve!

For stargazers, explore the changing skies throughout the year on our rotating dark skies drum or book on to a stargazing event and spend an evening with an expert. On dry days enjoy our stargazers outside seating area, otherwise head inside and experience a virtual tour of the universe at one of our organised events.

You can book onto one of astronomer Richard Darn's or Large Outdoors' stargazing events at Sutton Bank at other times of the year.

For nature lovers, you'll find a bird sound station outside to help you identify different songs while inside find out more about which birds and animals you could spot at Sutton Bank.

Two women birdwatching, from observatory, one using a wheelchair (c) VisitBritain/Peter Kindersley

Stargazing at Sutton Bank credit Steve Bell

The Hub is open to the public daily (10:30am-4pm) unless hired out for events (any closures will be signed on the approach to the building).

To hire the Hub, please contact the Centre Manager.

EU logoThe Nature and Star Hub is part of the Sutton Bank National Park Centre: Gateway to the North York Moors project, funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development: Europe investing in rural areas.

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