Dark Skies Friendly Village scheme

Introducing our newest Dark Skies Friendly scheme

Dark Skies Friendly Village logo

Alongside our Dark Skies Friendly accommodation, activity and venue providers, we have recently introduced another category, Dark Skies Friendly Villages. This means communities across the North York Moors can now gain recognition for the work they do to protect and enhance the quality of the night sky above their neighbourhood.

Hawnby, a small village within  the North York Moors, lights the way for others and takes the first Dark Skies Friendly Village title. The Hawnby project involved converting over 100 lights on 30 properties within the village to ensure light is well targeted, at a suitable level and only used when needed.

The Dark Skies Friendly Village initiative highlights the work of village communities in helping reduce light pollution in the North York Moors National Park International Dark Sky Reserve that meet our scheme standards.

These standards include:

  • demonstrating community support for the project.
  • committing to running at least two outreach events per year.
  • undertaking a lighting audit on the types of lights used in the village and showing a minimum level of compliance.
  • promoting the status and dark skies conservation efforts of the North York Moors National Park via village newsletters, social media, websites and appropriate public spaces.

We are here to help villages on their journey to become a Dark Skies Friendly Village, and this is a process we do not expect you or your community to undertake overnight. Get in touch with a member of our team if your village would like to get involved.

View or complete the Dark Skies Friendly Village scheme application here.

Hawnby dark skies village by Steve BellHawnby dark skies village by Steve Bell

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