Pre-planning advice and planning service charges

Fees for pre-planning enquiries

1. Do I need permission/consent and pre-application advice for householder development within the domestic curtilage i.e., extensions to dwellings, outbuildings etc, including works to a Listed Building, advice in relation to the acceptability of removal/modifying of a legal agreement

Service provided: A Planning/Building Conservation Officer will assess the submitted information and provide a written response confirming whether planning permission/consent is required and provide advice as to whether proposals are considered to be in accordance with the adopted Development Plan.

Charge: £65 (£115 with a site visit*)

2. Do I need permission/consent enquiries for all other non-householder development types

Service provided: A Planning Officer will assess the submitted information and provide a written response confirming whether planning permission/consent is required.

Charge £80

3. Pre-application advice for small scale non-householder development, including up to four new dwellings, barn conversions, changes of use, camping pods etc including works to a Listed Building, advice in relation to the acceptability of removal/modifying of a legal agreement

Service provided: A Planning/Building Conservation Officer will assess the submitted information and plans against the Development Plan and provide written advice as to whether proposals are considered to be in accordance with the adopted Development Plan.

£100 (£150 with a site visit*)

4. Pre-application advice for all other non-major development, including residential development (five or more dwellings) and all other development types including five or more log cabins, commercial floorspace, works to a Listed Building (excluding those listed elsewhere), advice in relation to the acceptability of removal/modifying of a legal agreement

Service provided: A Planning/Building Conservation Officer will assess the submitted information and plans against the Development Plan and provide written advice as to whether proposals are considered to be in accordance with the adopted Development Plan

£230 (£280 with a site visit*)

5. Agricultural development including advice in relation to the acceptability of removal/modifying of a legal agreement

Service provided: A Planning Officer will assess the submitted information and provide a written response confirming whether planning permission/prior notification is required and where requested provide advice as to whether proposals are considered to be in accordance with the adopted Development Plan.

£80 (£130 with a site visit*)

6. Pre-application advice for major development applications (as defined at section 177 of the National Planning Policy Framework as ten or more dwellings, development with a floorspace exceeding one thousand square metres or development sites of one hectare or more) including advice in relation to the acceptability of removal/modifying of a legal agreement

Service provided: A Planning Officer will assess the submitted information and plans, seek advice form statutory consultees where applicable, undertake a site visit and provide a written response.

£500 (for the Officer assessment, single site visit and single response). £100 per hour of Officer time spent attending any further meetings, site visits and provided responses.

7. Planning performance agreements

Available for major development proposals if requested and are chargeable at the relevant Planning Officer’s hourly rate.

8. Advice for property owners of domestic private rented Listed Buildings in relation to the Government’s Minimum Level of Energy Efficiency’ standard Regulations.

Service provided: A Building Conservation Officer will provide advice in relation to the scope of energy efficiency measures, the acceptability of these measures and the need for consent. Furthermore, the Officer will confirm if the proposed works would or would not unacceptably alter the character/appearance of the property which can be used as evidence to support the registration of an exemption from the Minimum Level of Energy Efficiency’ standard (EPC band E)

£230 (£290 with a site visit*)

Fees for other services

1. Home buyers/vendors planning assurance letter.

Service provided: The purpose of this service is to allow prospective purchasers of land or buildings to enquire whether the current use or development on the land is likely to be in breach of planning/Listed Building control. A Planning/Building Conservation Officer will provide advice as to how to rectify any anomalies.

£230 (£290 with a site visit*)

2. Drafting of Section 106 Agreements (excludes affordable housing schemes).

Service provided: The Authority’s legal advisor will negotiate, prepare, execute and register the Section 106 obligation.

£800 flat rate fee unless the Section 106 Agreement is protracted. In this instance an additional £100 per hour will apply.

£100 per hour for approval of an Agreement drafted by an applicant.

3. Modifying/removing existing Section 106 Agreements (excludes affordable housing schemes).

Service provided: The Authority’s legal advisor will negotiate, prepare, and execute the variation/removal of the Section 106 obligation.

£100 per hour

Exemptions and reductions

No fee is payable in respect of:

  • advice to registered housing providers in relation to rural exception sites.
  • advice to strategic partners (for example Forestry Commission, Environment Agency) where development relates to a joint project/Management Plan objective.
  • advice for development to meet disability legislation.

or at the Director of Planning’s discretion.

The fee payable is reduced by half in respect of:

  • advice to Parish Councils
  • advice for carbon reduction of community buildings

Fees for administration services

1. Providing copies of historic Decision Notices/Appeal Decision Notice/Section 106 Agreements/Enforcement Notices

Service provided: We will retrieve the documents from our archive and provide you with a copy by your preferred method of contact.

£20 per Notice/Agreement

2. Providing electronic copies of full or partial planning files.

Service provided: We will provide a General Data Protection Regulations compliant copy of the requested extracts from a planning file or the full file in electronic format.

£40 per file

3. Planning application check prior to submission.

Service provided: A validation officer will assess the application documentation and give advice setting out areas of the application which need addressing for validation purposes prior to submission. If you wish to meet with a member of the Team a prior appointment will be required.


4. Provision of planning application map service.

Service provided: We will produce a location plan for submission with an application and e and provide you with two copies by your preferred method of contact.

£40 per request

5. Personal search (for Redcar and Cleveland Borough area only) and district searches.

Service provided: We will search a site/property on the basis of your submitted plan and provide details of any post 1974 planning history and constraints.

£60 per search request (a charge of £10 applies per additional question as set out on the land charge CON 29O form - optional enquiries of the Local Authority).

Submitting your enquiry

You can send your enquiry by email or post. It is important that you provide enough information for us to offer advice about your proposal. Before we can process your request, the full payment must be made.

How to pay


Authority details:

Barclays Bank plc
Sort code 20-61-53
Account number 80012394

Debit/credit card

Please call to speak to a member of the Development Management Administration Team on 01439 772700 who will process your payment.


Made payable to ‘North York Moors National Park Authority’ and posted with your enquiry to:

Planning Department
North York Moors National Park Authority
The Old Vicarage
YO62 5BP

All charges are inclusive of VAT at the standard rate (VAT No: 686 5004 21).

Pre-application advice provided is an informal Officer opinion only; a formal decision can only be made in response to a formal application. We will endeavour to provide a response to all our enquiries within ten working days of receipt of payment.

If you have any questions about the pre-application advice service, please contact us via email or telephone: 01439 772700

* site visits are undertaken at the Planning Officer's discretion when it is considered beneficial in order to provide a comprehensive response to an enquiry.

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