Conservation Areas

Conservation Areas are areas of special architectural or historic interest.

They were first introduced in England in 1967 in recognition of the fact that the quality of historic areas depends not only on the quality of individual buildings but also on the historic layout of properties, the use of characteristic building materials, public spaces, trees, views between buildings and along streets.

There are 42 designated Conservation Areas in the National Park. Use the map (available soon) to discover which villages are designated and the extent of the designation.

Reviews of Conservation Areas are carried out periodically. If significant change has occurred or if additional areas of special interest are identified, then changes to the boundaries of Conservation Areas may be proposed and consulted on.

Conservation Area Appraisals and Management Plans have been prepared for some of the Conservation Areas in the National Park.

Carrying out building works or work to trees in Conservation Areas

If you are planning to carry out building works or works to trees in a Conservation Area, there are a number of controls that could require you to apply for permission from the National Park Authority. Please see our Trees in Conservation Areas page.

If you are planning to demolish any building larger than 115 cubic metres in a Conservation Area you will need to apply for permission on the appropriate form.

Most of the Conservation Areas in the National Park are also subject to stricter controls known as Article 4 Directions. For information on Article 4 Directions please contact the Authority.

These restrict the extent of minor works which you can carry out without planning permission. For example, if your property is not Listed, then like for like replacement of external features such as doors, windows and roof materials will not require planning permission. However, any alteration to the materials, design or dimensions will and you should use the appropriate form. If you are proposing to replace your windows in a Conservation Area which is subject to an Article 4 Direction and wish to understand what is meant by a "like for like" replacement, please see our Guidance Note.

Grants are available for re-instating lost architectural features such as windows and doors on historic buildings in Conservation Areas.

Useful links

Article 4 Directions

Conservation Area Map 

Like for Like Window Replacement Guidance Note


Building Conservation Team
Tel: 01439 772700

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