Landscape Character Assessment 2021

According to Natural England's An Approach to Landscape Character Assessment (2014) a landscape character assessment is the process of identifying and describing variation in the character of the landscape. It seeks to identify and explain the unique combination of elements and features (characteristics) that make landscapes distinctive. 

The North York Moors Landscape Character Assessment Update 2021 was commissioned by North York Moors National Park Authority (NYMNPA) and prepared by Fiona Fyfe Associates and Countryscape between April and December 2021. This updates an original Landscape Character Assessment from 2003. The 2021 update provides a robust and up-to-date evidence base to support decision-making on planning and landscape management for the National Park Authority. The updated Landscape Character Assessment reflects current best practice in landscape and seascape assessment methodology. It takes into account the changes which have occurred within the National Park and its setting over the past 20 years. It considers the forces for change acting on the National Park’s landscapes now, and looks ahead to those likely to occur over the coming decade.

Landscape Character Map

The Landscape Character Map 2021 shows the Landscape Character Types and Areas in the North York Moors National Park.

Landscape Character Types (LCTs) are distinct types of landscape which are relatively homogenous in character. They are generic in nature in that they may occur in different areas...but wherever they occur they share broadly similar combinations of geology, topography, drainage patterns, vegetation, historical land use and settlement pattern. The LCTs are subdivided into locally-distinctive Landscape Character Areas.

Landscape Character Types and Areas

Report and links

North York Moors Landscape Character Assessment Update 2021 full report

LCT 1:  Moorland Landscape Character Type

LCT 2:  Moorland Dales Landscape Character Type

LCT 3:  Forest Landscape Character Type

LCT 4:  Coastal Hinterland Landscape Character Type

LCT 5:  Limestone Hills Landscape Character Type

LCT 6:  Glacial Channels Landscape Character Type

LCT 7:  Limestone Dales Landscape Character Type

LCT 8:  Central Valley Landscape Character Type

LCT 9:  Western Escarpment Landscape Character Type

LCT 10:  Coast Landscape Character Type

Settlement Sensitivity Studies for Helmsley and the 16 Larger Villages within the National Park were undertaken at the same time as the Landscape Character Assessment update, and form a companion document.

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